Saturday, February 3, 2007

Why insurance rates are not only the fault of illegals

McDonalds says it will select a new trans-fat free oil for cooking its french fries, or as some of you call it, freedom fries. Now there has been a lot of talk in the news about trans-fat and if cities, such as New York and Chicago should ban the oil.

For me personally, being a medstudent, I do not eat fast food at all because I
know how bad it is for your body and won’t eat it. However, I think that if
people really want to eat this kind of product, then I think they should be
allowed too. Everyone knows the medical information that fast food makes you fat, is bad for all areas of your body
and will hurt you down the line, yet you still want to eat it, that is up to
that person. If you choose to ignore the medical info that proves how bad this is for you then you are ignorant, or
can't read or don't have access to this medical info.

I sometimes feel that people either want to stay healthy or not, but it is up to
that person to do so, not authority figures. However, I do realize that
unhealthy people are causing health insurance prices to raise as well. Perhaps
they should have their credit card information attached to their
medical information. This way when they
go to McDonalds and purchase a quarter pounder and add two pounds onto their
ass, the doctors, insurance companies, and everyone else can just look at their
medical info and
medical records and clearly see that that
person is a useless slob that eats too much fast food.

I think the red-coated commies and civil rights libertarians would have a hay
day with allowing insurance companies and credit card companies share
medical information like this. They
would scream foul and raise a storm about how their civil liberties were being
violated by sharing medical information and
medical info through these means would raise
the ACLU's guard. Those same people would also weight 359 pounds, and
would most likely be less motivated to dispute the claim out of sheer laziness.

Oh well, I'm only lazy enough to write a stupid blog about how to exploit the
overweight through merging medical info and
credit card info

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